
On this page we would like to show you some impressions (videos and pictures) of our realized projects and watch models and bring you closer to the world of Zahnd and Kormann visually. Have fun.

2022 - Custom Prototype "ZK Supersport"

Our customer from Canada wanted a very special watch that no one else has. This is how we turned his design ideas into reality (more on this here: Individual watches and prototypes )

Z&K SUPER SPORT 2020 from Allmenfilms on vimeo .

 2020 - The ZK No.2 diving watch is born

2020 - Sponsorship of Cédric Freiburghaus and CF Watch Project

2022 - ZK No.1.2 and Aviation

Clock impressions

ZK No.1.2 Black Moon Chronograph

Black Moon watch case
ETA 6498
ZK No.3 Pilot Watch Aviation Airborne